
Hmm, it's always fun to try out online quizzes. I don't make a habit of doing it, but I try out the ones i find interesting

In chronological order:

Which OS are you? - Windows 95

You look better than your older brother but your communication skills are still lacking. You start well, but often zone out.

[Personal Comment]: OMG describes me perfectly! *hopes brother isn't reading*


What type of bishounen are you - Tragic Figure

Your life has been nothing but a long drawn-out soap opera. You've lost your parents, your one true love, your best friend, your dog; locusts have infested your land, and your first born son expires. You've got enough angst to last several lifetimes, and you believe you'll always wind up getting hurt. But not all people are complete bastards. Sometimes you need to trust people to know that you're not alone in the world.

[Personal Comment]: *cry* it's so true T_T


Hikaru no Go Test - Sai

Elegant and graceful, your spirit shines through eternity. In life, your passion drives you, bringing you true happyness [sic].

[Personal Comment]: I dont dispute being elegant and graceful ... but my passion drives me to happiness? o_O


Yaoi Pairing Test - Heero x Duo

You are eccentric, unpredictable and weird. Sometimes you may be on the bottom, other times on the top. other times in it just for the lust. But when it gets right down to it, you really are in love. Oh and did I mention half the world loathes your existence?

[Personal Comment]: I -am- weird, half the world -does- loath my existence ... but the middle part .... ano eto ... o_O"


Chocobo Color Test - Normal Chocobo

You are the average chocobo, friendly and likable. All of the other chocobos love you.

[Personal Comment]: How contradictory ¬_¬


Final Fantasy Class Test - Red Mage

a master of both black and white magic
perfectionist; dashing; imaginative

[Personal Comment]: Yup, no disputes here


What bishounen stereotype do you love? - The Goody-Goody

Obviously, when it all boils down to it, you care more about a guy's sweet personality than other ... factors. You like a guy kind of like you - righteous, innocent, smart, and a little goofy ... are you really into a guy like this?

[Personal Comment]: O_O am I!?


Yaoi Selector: Which uke are you? - Omi

Sweet and innocent you are childlike at face value. You have family issues and mild angst but for the most part you are cheerful.
Everyone abuses your tech abilities and you'll always be the uke. You're just too molestable

[Personal Comment]: *sigh* being in the computer club, of course everyone abuses my tech abilities ¬_¬"


Yaoi Selector: Which seme are you? - Muraki

Sexy. Evil. Bastard.
Your twisted psychotic tendencies are hard to condense into words. You torture people mentally and physically. A doctor who's search for perfection has given way to lust you know the guiles of elegance and grace

[Personal Comment]: erm ... bwah haha?


Which kind of insect are you? - Ant

You are single minded and determined, but stupidly easy to confuse
You are an ant. You work hard and willingly, when someone gives you an idea, but you don't stop until you fall dead in a heap. You are determined when you want something; but unfortunately this is often derailed by the fact that you're ridiculously easy to confuse. (Hint: your friends are doing it deliberately).

[Personal Comment]: so true, so true


Which stereotypical CLAMP emotion are you? - Corruptive

You just love turning innocents over to the naughty side, don't you? You take great pleasure from molesting, I mean seducting, I mean confusing the goodies. Shame on you!
(you know we love you)

[Personal Comment]: ohohohoho *cracks the whip*


Which Evangelion character are you? - Shinji Ikari

Shy, hesitant, but willed

[Personal Comment]: Hmm I always thought I was more of an Asuka or Rei ... *shrug*


Which Japanese creature are you? - Tanuki

You're a Tanuki! You've got most of the abilities of a fox, but you lean more towards the nicer side of the leaf. You can change your form with a special magic leaf, and looove playing gross tricks on humans for laughs (like turning your testicles into a picnic blanket). Oh, but never to hurt them. If you hurt a human you always send an anonymous gift to let them know you didn't mean any harm.

[Personal Comment]: *sigh* I wanted the kitsune (fox). But this is close enough ^_^


Which psych-ward do you belong to? - Bi-Polar Disorder

[Personal Comment]: oro ... o_O really?


Who's your dream bishounen? - Kamui

Your dream bishounen is fiercly loyal and emotional. He will always be there for you. And he's just so pretty!

[Personal Comment]: *squeee* Kamui again ^______^


What Digimon yaoi pairing are you? - Kouichi + Kouji

Obviously all that "Kouji..." and "Kouichi..." have gone straight into your head. You got a stalker and a guy who doesn't like to be touched... What a great way to start!
Age, gender, and looks doesn't matter to you! It doesn't matter if they are twin brothers because they barely know each other! Kouichi has been always been looking for Kouji while Kouji has been always beening looking for the truth behind his life and BAM!!! The two met and all their so-called answers came! But it doesn't not stop Kouichi saying Kouji's name a million times over and Kouji helping him with a smile.

[Personal Comment]: well, it could be worse ... right? ^_^;;


What type of anime character are you? - Yaoi Boi [sic]

You're A Yaoi Boi (Gay Boy)! Sensitive and caring, you just want some boyXboy love! Is that too much to ask?

[Personal Comment]: I can say SO much about this result, but I'll keep it to myself *giggle*


What's your HTTP status code? - 302 - Found/Move

302 Found/Moved - The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI.
You're always on the move, doing something and you can't sit still or even decide anything. You want to be active but still want to please. Some call you spontaneous, other say scatterbrained, but no one could ever call you dull.

[Personal Comment]: ¬_¬ everyone calls me dull


Gabe or Tycho? - Gabe

You chose Gabe! The mega-gamer, the incoragable jokester and the one who keeps centerfolds of certain Namco characters under his matress.

[Personal Comment]: *_* it's gabe!!


Piro or Largo? - Largo

You chose the beer-swilling and perpetually confused megagamer who is responsible for getting them in this mess in the first place (vomitting counted as a "yes")

[Personal Comment]: *leer* time to own mosh mosh revolution!


How much are you worth? - $1,904,190.00

[Personal Comment]: I'll probably have to pay someone to take me in instead


Which Kingdom Hearts character are you most like? - Riku

You are Riku! Competitive, devoted, silent, and adventurous

[Personal Comment]: *wail* I want Sora T_T


What is your sexual orientation? - Asexual

You're asexual. You really have no sexual preference, or maybe you're too young right now to care. You keep people wondering about your sexuality, but you're relatively innocent. No worries...

[Personal Comment]: Hohoho~ I do keep people wondering about my sexuality. It's hilarious XD


What is your TRUE Zodica [sic] sign? - Libra

You should be a Libra, Cosmopolitan, refined, amiable, sociable, happy, generous, realistic, charming, gracious, affectionate, balanced, diplomatic, easy-going, elegant, charming, flirtatious, committed, objective but can be indecisive, emotionally complex, vague, dependent, distant, argumentative, depressed, exhausted, materialistic, superficial, self-indulgent, easily-offended

[Personal Comment]: Wow, I'm a Scorpio, but I should be a Libra? Prolly another area where I inherited from my mom ¬_¬;;


What personality color are you? - Blue

i am blue. strongwilled. intelligent. blunt. wise. i always speak my mind. even if i know others don't wanna hear it. i can come off as sharp tongued but my intensions [sic] are always in the right place. i stay true to my friends

[Personal Comment]: so true, so true ^_^


How emotional are you? - Happy-Go-Lucky

You are a very happy person. Always looking at the bright side.
Happy-Go-Lucky. You are a happy person and you don't let your emotions get to you. You see everything that's not in a positive light as not worth messing with and deal with emotions as they come. You are usually very happy and probably experience many emotional highs. Enjoy life.

[Personal Comment]: o_O? I always thought I was emotionally disturbed


Which Kimura Kouichi from Digimon Frontier are you? - Uke Kouichi

You're Uke Kouichi! Aw, aren't you so cute? Just sit back and look adorable and let people pity you. So cute!

[Personal Comment]: *sits back looking adorable and cute* Pity me


Which Kouji Minamoto are you? - Canon Kouji

canon-Kouji [sic]! All these people are scary, aeren't [sic] they? You're just normal Kouji: cool, calm, colected [sic]. You're probably not in many fanfiction [sic], seeing how people prefer Uke-Kouji or Seme-Kouji. But when you are, you're probably an ass to everyone. Then again, you'll go Uke or Seme by the end...

[Personal Comment]: *huhuhu*
